About Gravvity Group

Solving the data trust dilemma between customers & busineses
Gravvity is a 100% spam free chat + social + e-commerce platform that consolidates a user’s data, influence & buying power into a private profile that can be exchanged selectively & anonymously with businesses for incentives.
Three innovative, first-to-market features separate Gravvity Chat from others:
(1) Social Media Hub – users can manage all their social media activity / networks conveniently in one place while they chat. This eliminates the need to constantly flip back and forth between different platforms and also consolidates user content that’s currently spread across multiple platforms.
(2) Custom Feed – users can build their own content algorithm by choosing what sources of information they want to see in their feed. This eliminates the clutter in user feeds within existing platforms that includes spam & content that users are not interested in.
(3) Data Exchange – the data generated/collected within the chat, social media hub & custom feed features are consolidated into a user profile that users can selectively and anonymously share with businesses to receive personal discounts; cash back on purchases & opportunities to earn incentives by viewing & sharing content with their network.
Website: Gravvity.io